Frequently asked questions

If you don't find answers to your questions here, please contact us for more help.

Q. Do I need money to invest in a new joint venture?

Not necessarily. We operate a range of different models depending on the specifics of each opportunity, some of which may require investment from the JV partner. Usually, however, we offer you a regular salary with no upfront costs.

Q. What do the back office services include?

We include everything you need to set up and run a successful business including:

• Accounting, credit control and payroll
• HR and personnel advice and contracts
• Branding, PR and marketing
• IT advice and systems
• Business support and guidance as necessary

Not having to worry about setting up these services yourself means you can get up and running more quickly, more cheaply, and concentrate on what you do best – providing a service to clients.

Q. Is this a franchise operation?

No. With a joint venture there is greater flexibility and autonomy because you are not obliged to buy everything from one supplier, although we offer common services such as payroll, IT, marketing and other business support services for a nominal management fee.

We share in the profits with you, whereas a franchise will typically take a share of the revenue even if there is no profit.

Most importantly we do not interfere in a joint venture unless absolutely essential. We don’t want to make your decisions for you because we trust you to know your market.

Interested in starting a successful joint venture with the HR GO group?

Get started by completing our confidential Joint Venture Interest form and we'll be in touch for a no obligation chat.